Monday 28 December 2009

The ghost of New Year Past

Many years ago there was a group of friends

They would meet from time to time throughout the year

But once a year they would party like no other.....

Long finery to beat that of Cinderella

Champagne flutes overflowing

Music to delight the ear and get the feet tapping

Tables overflowing with food

Chatter, long into the night

Late to bed

Very late to rise

And then....

Everyone got married, and late nights were no longer a feasible option!  How much better to share New Year with the family.  Cosy and at home, looking back on last year and ahead to next

Happy New Year everyone


Tessa said...

mmm champagne flutes overflowing, cheers!

Julie G. said...

so true, so true. For the past couple of years I babysat on New Years for the GS's, I probably had just as much fun as their parents and didn't wake up with a pounding headache! :))

BeadedTail said...

It gets tougher every year to stay up later so it certainly is best to just enjoy the evening at home with family! Hope you have a wonderful new year!

Kathleen said...

Hehe - I will not stay up any later than usual - and will spend Jan. 1 with my sister and brother-in-law for the family tradition of watching the Rose Bowl Parade *winks* without commentary =p and with cinnamon buns!

Made by Melissa said...

LOL! So very true! I sometimes miss my New Year's Eve parties!

Misobel (Mary) said...

What a sweet little poem :)
I definitely agree that time spent cosy at home is the best!